New changes and additions in PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition (version 5.0.7)
Driver v.3.0 驱动版本V3.0
The driver for 32-bit operation systems has been updated. New version 3.0 of driver is available in personal update boxes. 32位操作系统的驱动已经更新,最新的3.0版本的驱动可以在个人更新盒子中获得。
Reader FW update 读卡器固件升级 The update of firmware will be performed automatically during software installation; 更新的固件会在软件安装中自动完成; New memory chips have been added into database. 新的内存芯片已经添加到数据库中。
New controller algorithms 新的控制器算法 New controller algorithm for InCOMM IN368B/IN369CC-G/SD363SH has been added with autodetection of settings. New ready solutions are available in "Global
Solution Centre"; 新的控制器算法InCOMM IN368B/IN369CC-G/SD363SH已经被添加到自动检测设置中。新的已经完成的解决方案已经可以在“全球解决方案中心”中获得。
New controller algorithm for SM3252Q BA has been added with autodetection of settings. New ready solutions are available in "Global Solution Center"; 新的控制器算法SM3252Q BA已经添加到自动检测设置中,新的已经完成的解决方案已经可以在“全球解决方案中心”中获得。
New controller algorithm for S3C49RBX01 Samsung SSD has been added with autodetection of settings. New ready solutions are available in "Global Solution
Center"; 新的控制器算法S3C49RBX01 Samsung SSD已经添加到自动检测设置中,新的已经完成的解决方案已经可以在“全球解决方案中心”中获得。
Controller algorithm for S3C29RBB01 Samsung SSD has been significantly improved. S3C29RBB01 Samsung SSD的控制器算法已经得到显著的提高。
Data inspection methods 数据校验方法 dump order autoanalysis has been added for S3C29RBB01 Samsung SSD controller; dump order进行自动分析已添加S3C29RBB01三星SSD控制器 dump order autoanalysis has been added for S3C49RBX01 Samsung SSD controller. dump order进行自动分析已添加S3C49RBX01三星SSD控制器
Now we recommend to recover Samsung SSD in accordance with the following algorithm: 现在,我们建议按照以下算法恢复三星的SSD
a) Read memory chips in any order; a)读取内存芯片使用任何程序 b) Add all chips into Transformation Graph; b)所有的芯片添加到转换图 c) Perform page transformation (if required); c) 执行页面转换(如果需要) d) Launch data inspection method "Determination of sequence of results" for S3C29RBB01 Samsung SSD. d) 使用数据校验方法"Determination of sequence of results"为了S3C29RBB01三星SSD.
This method will automatically arrange the correct sequence of results which you have to join by dumps or show you their order so you can join it manually. 这种方法将自动安排的结果,你必须加入转储或向您展示它们的顺序,这样你就可以手动加入正确的顺序。
Other changes 其它改变 Algorithm of versions has been improved; 算法版本已经改善 Controller database of software is synchronized with Global Solution Centre; 软件控制器数据库已经同步到全球解决方案中心 Errors detected at previous version have been fixed. 上一版本的错误已经修复