军达成技术总监 发表于 2014-5-23 17:10:04

PC3000FLASH 新版本6.5.1

PC3000FLASH 最新版本和升级流程: http://www.jundacheng.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4050&extra=page%3D1
2014年5月15日ACE释放新版本:PC3000FLASH 6.5.1
New version 6.5.1 of PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition is released新版本PC3000FLASH SSD 6.5.1释放
New features are available NOW! They are the following: 现在可用如下新功能:

[*]New memory chips with the 16-8 JEDEC and the 16-8 ONFI type of reading have been added
[*]新存储芯片16-8JEDEC 和16-8 ONFI 有添加
[*]New XOR patterns and ECC types have been added
[*]添加新的XOR 和ECC
[*]New analysis algorithm for the SSS6677 controller has been added
[*]the PC-3000 UDMA-E appears in the hardware controller selection while launching the Active Utility mode
[*]启动实用程序模式可以发现控制PC3000UDMA-E ,这意味着可以控制UDMA-E卡上的SSD硬盘。
[*]New ability for adding the user's own ECC description has been added (recommended only for advanced users)
[*]New mode for adding elimination based on XOR has been added
[*]the ECC auto detection tools have been improved
[*]改进ECC 自动发现工具
[*]New synchronization method of the "Block's sorting" has been added
[*]有添加新的同步方法"Block's sorting"(块排序)
[*]Matching version mode has been seriously improved
[*]A lot of different bug fixes and improvements in Kernel part of the PC-3000 Flash have been done
[*]改进PC3000FLASH 核心部分和许多问题修正


fanrangbing 发表于 2014-5-26 08:46:56

本帖最后由 军达成技术支持1 于 2015-10-8 14:29 编辑


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查看完整版本: PC3000FLASH 新版本6.5.1