军达成技术总监 发表于 2013-5-9 19:21:46


在硬盘数据恢复过程中,我们经常会在硬盘的PC-USB Terminal 终端发现提示错误代码,大家可以根据下边的代码找到对应的故障。

0x00 End of Program
0x02 Invalid Stop Condition
0x11 Bias force too high error
0x12 Seek error
0x13 Head Unlatch error
0x14 Bias calibration error
0x15 Spindle speed error
0x16 Spin-up error
0x17 Track zero not found error
0x18 NP-offset test result error
0x19 AB-slope test result error
0x1A Total gain calibration error
0x1B Loop gain calibration error
0x21 Head skew calibration result error
0x22 VCM bias force check result error
0x23 Seek time error
0x24 1 track seek time too long
0x25 1/3 stroke seek time too long
0x26 Full stroke seek time too long
0x27 Head switching time too long
0x28 Spin up time error
0x29 Latch force too low
0x2A Too many pes error
0x2B STW fail
0x2C Servo defect in maintenance cyl
0x2D Excessive servo defect per zone
0x2E Excessive servo defect per drive
0x2F Too many gray error
0x31 Too many real servo dfct per drive
0x32 Error logging over flow
0x33 Excessive defect per drive limit
0x34 Excessive defect per zone
0x35 Excessive defect per head
0x36 Excessive defect per track
0x37 No defect map exist
0x38 Defect free format error
0x39 Servo defects too close
0x3A Too many scratch
0x3B Too many dlist in buffer
0x3C Too many ecc error
0x3D Too many write fault
0x41 Error rate too high
0x42 Too many error during Gap Filling
0x43 Head compensation cal test is bad
0x44 Excessive soft error
0x45 Format error
0x46 Burn-In script error
0x47 RCO timeout error
0x48 Final test error
0x49 Continuous test
0x51 PCB not ready error
0x52 Load system table fail
0x53 Maintenance write error
0x55 Burn-In code version downlevel
0x57 Power-on initialization error
0x59 Bad killing head information
0x5A IPC related error
0x5B Maintenance read error
0x5C Function test timeout error
0x61 CPU RAM error
0x62 Sequencer RAM error
0x63 Buffer Ram error
0x64 Flash rom error
0x65 Burn-in script error
0x66 Head unique test error
0x67 Serial number checksum error
0x68 Excessive TA error
0x69 Excessive seek error
0x6A Servo ram error
0x71 FSAM error
0x72 FGRAY error
0x73 PES error
0x74 Index error
0x75 Head Margin Test error
0x82 BLPL Test Fail
0x83 Head unique test error
0x85 Excessive TA error
0x86 Excessive write fault error
0x87 Calibration error
0x88 Latch force too hign
0x89 Latch force too hign
0x91 Rco criteria system write error
0x92 Rco criteria system read error
0x93 Rco criteria not found
0x94 Rco header system write error
0x95 Rco result system write error
0x96 TF_Rco result system write error
0x97 Write boost optimize fail
0x98 Weak head test fail
0x99 Find test track fail

0x0000 End of Program
LATCH or Ramp Errors
0x1102 All Head Fail
0x1107 Latch force too low
0x1108 Latch force too high
SPSTW (offline) Errors
0x1314 Difference of bias calibration value is big; HSA bearing Fail
0x1510 Bias Seek Fail (only Head 0)
Servo_Calibration Errors
0x1601 Bias calibration error
0x1602 Track zero not found error / Kt Fail (only Head 0 or 1)
0x1603 NP - offset test result was bad
0x1604 AB - slope test result was bad
0x1606 Loop calibration was bad
0x1607 Head skew calbration result was bad
0x1608 Head gap calibration is failed
0x1610 RRO 1x calib result was bad
0x1615 Difference of bias calibration value is big
0x1617 OD to ID Misalignment
0x1702 Seek error
0x1703 Spin up error
0x1704 Too many parking during process
0x1705 Spin up too long
Servo Defect Errors
0x1901 Drive per servo vitual defect over
0x1902 Drive per servo defect over
0x1903 Drive per servo real defect over
0x1904 Drive per track defect over
0x1905 Zone per track defect over
MC Access Errors
0x1A03 MC write error
0x1A04 MC read error

H/M Screen
0x1B01 Error rate too high
0x1C01 TPI test fail
0x1C02 MR tune to different from skew
0x1C03 Zonemap verification error (for downsize)
0x1C04 Force downsizing
0x1C05 Force downsizing
0x1C06 Only for inline downsizing
0x1F01 Head/Media interference fail
0x1F02 Interfere test fail
0x1F03 Failed Amplitude Spike Test
0x1F04 WII Test Fail
0x1F05 Thermal Decay
0x1F06 Head Degradation screen
0x1F07 BIG diff AGC between tracks
0x1F08 HDI problem
0x1F09 Bad CSM defects OD
0x1F0A Bad CSM
FOD Errors
0x2101 Write Error when HSC test
0x2102 Read Error when HSC test
0x2103 FOD resistance test before FOD touch down test
0x2104 FOD TD fail: channel table verify failure
0x2105 HSC FH Error when screen
0x2106 HSC TCC Error when screen
0x2107 WPTP Error
0x2108 FOD TD fail: too high fluxion
0x2109 Out of TD test range
0x210A FOD Resistance Bad
0x210B MC read error during FOD test
0x210C MC write error during FOD test
0x210D FH one step difference is too big
0x210E No good zone
0x210F FOD TCC make fail
Timeout Errors

0x2201 SLOW Run Error
0x2202 Cont Test
0x2203 Timeout Error
0x2204 Too many retry errors
0x2205 IPC related error
0x2206 Function test timeout error
Process Misc Errors
0x2301 Channel calibration fail
0x2303 O Pattern write fail after RCO
0x2304 Read Screen Error
0x2305 Failed compiling
0x2306 Unrecognized Opcode (opcode cmd function not available)
0x2307 Script Error
0x2308 Firmware Assert
0x2309 2nd Downsize Error
0x230A 5400 rpm DownSpeed Criteria: Zone Cutting Bug
0x2353 5400 rpm DownSpeed Criteria: Zone Cutting Bug
Version Mismatch
0x2501 Overlay version incorrect
0x2502 Wrong code download
0x2503 Serial Number checksum error
0x2504 Overlay Error
0x2505 New ID
0x2506 Overlay Checksum Error
0x2507 Can't find MRR look up table
Defect Overflow
0x2801 Error log in full
0x2807 Linear scratch
0x2809 Too many DLIST in buf
0x2810 Too many write errors
0x2811 Too many sequential track errors
0x2812 Too many bad tracks
0x2813 Defect in cylinder zero
0x2814 Capacity check error
0x2815 VLIST SF overflow

0x2816 TNU per head overflow
0x2818 Login full MC
0x2819 Too many SLIST
IC(preamp, channel, engine, FFS)
0x2A01 Preamp is out of order
0x2A02 Preamp voltage regulator err
0x2A03 Chip rev error
0x2A04 NLS Register error
0x2A05 Linked List Register error
0x2A06 Free Fall Sensor is out of order
0x2B01 CPU RAM error
0x2B02 SEQ RAM error
0x2B03 BUF RAM error
0x2B04 Flash error
0x2B06 Servo SPIRAM/YRAM/XRAM error
0x2B08 Hybrid ONENAND flash error
0x2B09 BufferAlloc reuturned NULL
OEM screen
0x2C04 Drive per track defect over
0x2C05 Too many parking during process
0x2C07 TPI test fail
0x2C0C Screen most OD

fanrangbing 发表于 2013-5-10 08:57:33


军达成技术总监 发表于 2013-5-12 19:46:55


万宏军 发表于 2014-10-29 00:58:23

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